Shorei-Kan Proverb Number Seven

Shorei-Kan Goju-Ryu

Hello, it is Ichiro Morioka again. Konbanwa.  Good evening.  Shibaraku desu ne.  It’s been a long time.  Tonight I wish to speak about the seventh proverb: Do not become contentious—right is right, and wrong is wrong.

Some say, “Do not argue.” I prefer not to use this translation, because to argue means to give reasons for a point of view.  In Shorei-Kan, there are prescribed ways of learning. To be contentious about this is to be disrespectful of both the teacher and those who crafted the style.  A teacher is not promoted to the position of sensei unless he or she is qualified for that position. You can trust in that.  Trust also that a Shorei-Kan sensei has your best interests at heart.

If your fellow student seems to be in error, the sensei will correct him.  It is not your business to do so unless you are in a position to be helping you fellow karteka to learn.  So, do not be contentious with your fellow students.

In modern Western culture, seeing things as black and white, right and wrong, has not been an acceptable way for many years.  This is not so everywhere, and it is not so in the Shorei-Kan dojo.  We learn “by the numbers,” as they say.  There is a right way and a wrong way to learn. 

Many of the techniques are memorized, both in one’s mind and in one’s physique, one’s muscles, by way of kata.  Many mistake kata for a prearranged fighting sequence, but this is not the case.  The various kata are merely ways of practicing and memorizing the techniques.  They can also be very good exercise, and they work to build confidence, as well. They are an efficient way to learn Shorei-Kan goju-ryu techniques, but they must be performed correctly.  They are not to be modified on a whim.  There is a right way, and all other ways are wrong ways.  Right is right, and wrong is wrong.

Master Miyagi said, “Study and contrive seriously.”

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