Me second attempt at reading poetry, to be sure.

Here is my second stab at William Butler Yeats (his poetry, not the man—for Pete’s sake—the man’s dead already!).  This one is entitled, “Ephemera.”  It was a new one for me, not an old friend like The Host of the Air, so I had to work at this one a bit.  In each of these poems, however, I tripped up on at least one word, but neither time did it justify another attempt.

Next time I’ll choose another poet, Dylan Thomas, or perhaps Poe (Poe is an old friend of mine—we go way back—bwa-ha-ha-ha!).

In any case, I hope you enjoy it just a wee bit.


By William Butler Yeats

Read by Horton Deakins

[ Note:  I decided to remove the link to YouTube for this reading.  I just don’t think it is ready for prime time–in fact, I rather dislike it.  You can still find it on YouTube, if you search, but not for too long.  I left this entry here so as not to create a broken link from references to this entry.  If anyone actually enjoyed this reading, I thank you, and I’m sorry, but again, you can still find it–for now. ]

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