It came again last night

Welsh Celtic knot
I am beside myself. I sit here trembling. It scarcely seems possible that the voice would come again in my dreams, but come it did. This time, the message was less than clear:

Mae’r plant cael perfformio eu ddrygioni.
Poptai poeth yn cael eu paratoi.
Dewch. Helpwch ni.

In English, I heard “The children are performing their wickedness. Hot ovens are being prepared. Come. Help us.”

As I puzzled over whether I was having a “Hansel and Gretel Go to Wales” moment, the voice attempted to correct my interpretation. It scolded, “Be not children–be child beings.”

Once more, I jotted everything down when I arose from my slumber, and again, but a few moments later, I am unable to read or understand the Welsh. I searched the Internet for what the “child beings” could possibly mean, and the answer came rather quickly. It is another term for “changelings.” So, it is the changelings that are performing their wickedness. I also found that an oven is a method of ridding oneself of a changeling.

Just now, however, another thought struck me. Is this a warning about the changelings, and a plea for my help in their extermination? Or is it announcement from the changelings concerning what has commenced, and a message to beware the ovens should I answer the call to “Come”?

My cousin has mentioned that in some parts of Wales, the Deakins are not looked upon fondly. I believe “You can’t throw a stick without hitting one” were his exact words. Could all these things somehow be linked? I do not know what to make of this, but I cannot bear to hear the voice a third time.

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