The man, the cow, the cheese.

Hey, diddle diddle

I can never remember–was the man riding the cow that jumped over the moon, and he fell off, so now he’s in the moon?  And now the cow is so shaken that she gives green cheese instead of milk?

How many moon myths can you think of?  With the cancellation of NASA’s Constellation Program, myths about the moon are pretty much all we shall have for a long time.  There will be no returning.

There is another way, however.  If you can find the Time Pullers, perhaps you can convince them to translocate you to the surface that rocky satellite at a place and era of your choosing.

But there are no real Time Pullers, now, are there? Of course not. Not in this reality, anyway.

This moon is real, and it is very much within our reality and our continuum.  I took this photo from my own back yard.

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