More skiing in Japan

OK, I found a spare moment, so I’m posting a few more skiing photos from Japan.  These are from Shizukuishi, and are just a couple weeks later than the first ones — still in January, 1989.  The weather was very foggy that day, so I’m only going to share the best of the bunch.

Since the sign in the third photo appears to indicate beech trees, and the trees appear to look the same as in my previous post where I asked if anyone knew what they were, then it also appears that I have answered my own question.  Dewa mata, ne.

We’re packed into the gondola like sardines, or iwashi.
Note the down-going gondola that we just passed in this next shot. 
We must be beyond the halfway point.

See the down-going gondola?  We must be just past the halfway point.

I think it says, "Beech Road Course"

Looks really steep -- but it's the only way down, so ... "Banzai!"

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