“Mayhem” o, mou sukoshi kudasai.

Sore wa nan da?  E–to–ano kichigai ryuu dayo!

Check out the totally crazy dragon

This float was worth a few more views.  That’s some dragon, huh?

This is just crazy

In the end, everything's coming up roses--or sakura

Just in case you’re unfamiliar with sakura, it means “cherry blossom.”

Chochin lead the way

Chochin are Japanese paper lanterns.  The girls with the “headlamps” lead the way!

Just another float example

These things just knocked my socks off.

Are these guys showoffs, or what?

Japanese men have virtually no hair on their bodies, unless you count the Ainu Indians up on Hokkaido.  Sure, it was a warm day, but these guys seems to be showing off. If you think this is a lot of skin, however, you should check out a local onsen.  But, if you’re a guy, you won’t be so worried about the dudes there–you’ll probably have to strip down in front of the mama-san who runs the establishment.  Stick your clothes into the basket, and make sure you bring your own soap.

A devilish pair

I didn’t really mean the two guys in the foreground.  Check out the faces on the box behind them.  I have no idea about the significance of the horns, but I suspect some 16th-century Jesuit influence.

Who is really doing the work?

I think the man in the front is probably doing most of the work.

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